Wednesday 25 November 2015

Battle Report: Dark Angels v. Orks

Hi,  and welcome to our first battle report. This is very much a test of the process, and features Paddy with his Dark Angels taking on Graham with his Orks. I will be writing it as they play.

Warlord traits:
Graham (Ork Warboss) Divide to Conquer and Strategic Genius
Paddy (Sammeal) Rapid Manouver

The mission is Cloak and Shadows, worth a pitched battle deployment.
Paddy chose table edge, Graham won the roll off for deployment and choose to deploy second.

Dark Angels,  from left to right
Tactical squad & Librarian ( Aversion,mind worm, Trephination)
Deathwing knights & Chaplain
Combat squad
Combat squad

Ravenwing command squad & command squad
Ravenwing bike squad
Dark Talon

Orks, left to right
Slugga Boyz
Slugga Boyz
Ard Boyz,  Warboss, trukk
Ard Boyz, Warboss, trukk
Sligga boyz, truck
Shoota Boyz & Warboss & Painboy
Deffkoptas (3 separate units)

Paddy goes first.
Movement phase
Slight shuffle along right phase.

Psychic phase
Cast aversion on Tankbustas.

Shooting phas
Tactical squad runs into ruins
Knights run through combat squads
Devastators shoot Ard Boyz trukk,wrecked. (First Blood)

No combat

No victory points (1-0)

Ork turn 1
Deffkoptas fly towards tower.
Slugga Boyz move fowards, suspiciously in a neat formation.
remaining trukks and Ard Boyz move forwards
Slugga Boyz move forwards, some confusion over who belongs to which mob. (Which Nob is da best?)
Tankbustas move to upper stories of ruins.

Shooting phase
Deffkoptas fail to wound Librarian.
Tankbustas kill 1 marine from 1st combat squad.
Trukks go flat out fowards
Other mobs run

No combat

Score 1vp for 'more speed, go fasta' (1-1)

Dark Angel turn 2

Movement phase
Ravenwing reserves arrive automatically on the left flank.
Knights surround the trukk.

Psychic phase
Aversion cast on Tankbustas.

Shooting phase
Combat squad 2 shoots at trukk,  2 hull points lost.
Combat squad 1 shoots at trukk, plasma cannon overheats and dies!
Tactical squad kills 4 Shoota Boyz.
Devestators all miss the Ard Boyz.
Dark Talon falls to wound a Deffkopta.
Ravenwing Command kill a Deffkopta.
Ravenwing bikers wound the Deffkopta behind the lines.

Combat phase
Knights charge trukk and wreck it. Slugga Boyz disembark into convenient ruin.

No victory points this turn.  (1-1)

Ork turn 2

Movement Phase

1 Deffkopta moves behind Dark Talon.
Disembarked Slugga Boyz move towards combat squad 2.
infantry wave continues fowards.
Second unit of Ard boys move behind Devestators and disembark.
Backline Warboss joins Tankbustas

Shooting phase
Deffkopta fails to kill any Tactical Marines
Slugga Boyz fail to wound Sammy.
Tankbustas fail to kill any Tactical marines (Aversion helps a lot)
1 marine in combat squad 2 dies to Slugga fire.
Big slugga mobs run (slowly)

Combat phase

Small Slugga mob charges combat squad 2, 1 killed by overwatch.
1 Ork killed in combat,
35 attacks from the orks (!) kills the 4 remaining marines.

Mounted Ard Boyz unit charges Devestators, 1 killed by overwatch.
1 Ork killed in combat
Devestators wiped out.

1 victory point for objective 3 and 1 for Stomp 'em Boyz. (1-3)

Dark Angel turn 3

Movement phase
Knights move to take on Slugga Boyz with Warboss.
Dark Talon drops the stasis bomb on the shoota boyz.
Ravenwing bikes and command squad zip towards Shoota Boyz.
Tactical squad leaves ruin and Librarian leaves the squad.

Psychic phase
Librarian activates force weapon.

Shooting phase
Librarian finishes off the wounded Deffkopta.
Tactical squad kills 1 Ard boy from the trukk unit.
Dark Talon kills 3 Ard boys and a Warboss in the foot unit. (It's OK boss, don't look out.)
Ravenwing Command kills 5 Shoota Boyz, banner bearer dies from overheating.

Combat phase
Deathwing knights charge Slugga Boyz, overwatch kills none.
29 Ork attacks first as the knights charged through cover,  no wounds.
Knights kill 9 orks
Chaplain batters Nob into ground.
Orks flee 7" as Knights consolidate.

Ravenwing Command charges shoota boyz, overwatch kills none, Ravenwing bikers fail to join them.
1 dead from hammer of wrath
Sammy kills 1 Ork.
Squad kills 5.
none left within 3". Combat ends.

No victory points this turn (1-3)

Ork turn 3
Movement phase
fleeing Slugga Boyz rally
trukk Ard Boyz and trukk Slugga Boyz advance out of ruins.
Shoota Boyz move towards Ravenwing command squad.

Shooting phase
shoota boyz fail to dent Ravenwing command.
Big slugga unit shoots at knights, 21 shots achieves nothing.
Last Deffkopta singles out solo Librarian and wounds, armour save lands a 1 but bounces onto a 2!
Tankbustas kill a Ravenwing biker. Bikers choose to jink.

Combat phase
Shoota Boyz charge Ravenwing command overwatch, kills none.
Squad kills 3 orks,
orks kill no bikers.
Sammy caused 2 wounds on painboy, saved on feel no pain.
Painboy causes 1 wound, saved on armour.
Orks stay in combat thanks to bosspole.
command squad uses hit and run.

Trukk Slugga Boyz charge remaining combat squad and are joined by trukk Ard Boyz.
Marines cause no wounds.
Orks politely stand aside and allow the nobs to kill the marines to save time.
Orks consolidate into the ruin with the Tactical squad.

Orks receive 1 victory point for objective 4, 1 for Hungry for Glory, and 1 for No Prisoners. (1-6)

Dark Angel turn 4
Movement Phase
Deathwing knights move closer to Ork horde
Ravenwing bikers move to engage last Deffkopta.
Ravenwing Command moves back to threaten the much reduced shoota boyz.
Librarian sidesteps outflanking trukk mobs.
Dark Talon enters hover mode.

Psychic phase
Trephination cast on Ard Boyz, no effect.

Shooting phase
Tactical squad pours fire into Ard Boyz, kills all except Nob and Warboss but does 1 wound on each of them.
Ravenwing bikers fire lots of shots but fail to bring down the last Deffkopta.
Ravenwing Command is ineffective against the shoota boyz.
the dark Talon raked the infantry Ard Boyz for 3 kills.
Ard Boyz & Warboss fail panic test but are saved by a bosspole.

Combat phase
Ravenwing bikes try to charge Deffkopta but one dies to overwatch and the others fail to reach the enemy.
hammer of wrath kill 2 orks
Ravenwing kill 4 remaining orks,
Ork Nob kills 2 Ravenwing
Sammy causes 2 wounds on painboy , 1 saved by feel no pain
Painboy finishes off Sammy. (Slay the Warlord)
Despite this, the Nob kills the painboy to prevent himself running away.

Ravenwing Command charges shoota boyz, Sammy wounded by overwatch.

Knights charge weakened Slugga Boyz mob.
Hammer of wrath kills 1.
Chaplain misses the foe!
Knights pound 10 orks, finishing the unit off and letting the Chaplain of the hook

3 victory points for the dark Angels from 'Not One Step Backwards' (4-7)

Ork turn 4
Movement Phase

Big slugga unit bears down on deathwing knights
Remnants of trukk Slugga mob pound through Ard Boyz unit towards Tactical squad.
trukk Warboss squares up to Librarian.
Solo shoota Nob wanders about confused as to why he is alive and where the Ravenwing have all gone.

Shooting phase
Almost all the remaining orks unleash a hail of vaguely accurate shooting at the Deathwing Knights for no effect, except the Tankbustas who cause 2 hull points on the dark Talon and destroy a hurricane bolter.
The last Deffkopta turbo boosts to escape the bikers.

Combat phase
Warboss charges Librarian
Librarian fails to hit.
Warboss only hits once, but snips the psyker in half with his power klaw.

Big mob of Slugga charge deathwing knights, joined by the Warboss from the Tankbustas.
Deathwing knights use smite.
3 wounds caused on Warboss,  2 saved by the beasts cybork body.
1 other Ork killed.
74 standard Ork boy attacks back manages to bring down the Chaplain.
The Warboss kills 1 knight.

Trukk Slugga boyz charge the Tactical Squad, losing 2 boyz to overwatch.
Marines cause 3 casualties.
Orks fail to kill any orks
sergeant kills the Nob
Ork unit passes the break test.

Orks receive  1 victory point for objective 1 and 1 for 'assassinate'. (4-9)

Dark Angel turn 5
Movement Phase
Ravenwing bikers move to avenge the Librarian.

Shooting phase
Ravenwing bikes and Dark Talon don't even wound the Warboss.

Combat phase

Tactical squad kills all except the Nob, who bravely stands his ground.

Knights v. Orks
knights kill none.
Ork Nob kills a single knight.

No objectives achieved. (4-9)

Ork turn 5
Movement Phase
Deffkopta moves and turbo boosts over to objective 4.
Warboss waddles towards Tactical squad.

Shooting phase

Combat phase

Warboss charges Tactical squad and kills 2 for no comeback. The Tactical squad is stubborn.

Knights v. Orks
knights kill 1
orks kill 1 also. Warboss gets the other 2

Orks get 1 victory point for objective 4  (4-10)

End of game!

Orks get linebreaker for (4-11)

despite the end score, the game was quite close up to the last couple of turns. I really struggled against the knights until i managed to get the better part of 4 squads in against them. i was also really lucky with my bosspole rolls, lol. I only had one unit run away, and that was because the nob was dead.Even then, it rallied and helped finish off the deathwing knights. I had hoped to use the deffkoptas to dash about and sieze bjectives but most of the cards i drew were of the kill this/do that type, but they still played their part, a nuisance if nothing else.Unit of the game had to be the shoota mob, with a painboy attached they weathered a lot of flak, and of course, the painboy killed the warlord,samnael. all in all a good game against a great opponnt, but victory went where it belonged, to the orks!!!!

Monday 23 November 2015

Armies of the Tyrants Part 4: Lizardmen

While I'm on a roll, here's another of mine.

This was my last Warhammer Fantasy army, which I did during over the winter in 2014/2015. A group of us collected new armies,  going up 500 points a month and playing progressively bigger games.

I went for people as a colour scheme, as it's a colour which I like and it went well on my Chaos Marines. I've shown them here on regiment bases in the 8th edition formations, as they should be.

Saurus Warriors. These are the solid unit in my army,  and if I expand the army up above 2000 points I'll be adding another unit. 

Skinks with Kroxigors. These guys are nowhere as good as they should be and I'm not really impressed. However I haven't got anything to replace them with yet. 

Saurus cavalry. These guys are the hammer unit, and are rock solid especially with the hero in the unit. The cold ones are pretty decent my as well

The Stegadon, the staple lizardmen monster. Worked the flesh up to a pale brown with layering and then the armour plates to red. The Skinks are purple to match the rest of the army. 

The fearsome Ripperdactyles, a unit I struggled to find a use for. Their best combats were often when they flew into the front of Irongut units. Proper placement of the bloat toad is crucial. 

The start of the show, the Slann mage priest. This is a good example of the benefits of Finecast, as this is a model which was way too heavy to be balanced on a flying stand when it was white metal, but as resin is pretty much ideal. The bad details are from the jungle basing kit. 

I usually played him as an ethereal, avoiding the need for a temple guard unit. 

The rest of my Skinks, serving as a skirmish unit, with the skink priest in the unit. This is a far better use for the little fellas than a ranked unit. 

I do miss playing with this army, we're going to have to get back to playing 8th edition fantasy at some point. I'd like to expand the army from 2000 points up to 2400 by adding another unit of Saurus Warriors and a Bastidon but it's not high on the list of priorities. 

Any questions? Comments below. 

Sunday 22 November 2015

Armies of the Tyrants Part 3

Here's something slightly different.

In order to show that it's not all about 40k, and because they are my most recent full painting project, here's a brief look at my second Bolt Action force,  early war French.

In 2014 me and Paddy decided to branch out and try something new, and Bolt Action was starting to make an impact in the area. My first force was late was Germans to go against late war British, but after establishing the dominance of the Panther and Stg44 assault rifle I fancied a bit of variety and Warlord were pushing the French - I think they had expended the range but I'm not certain. I picked up the army deal and that's still what I play with now.

The army was painted by spraying it leather brown then washing with black ink. The uniforms are Vallejo Russian Infantry Green, which may not be technically the correct colour but gives an effect I like. The helmets are Dark Angels Green, which will now have been replaced with a less memorable name.

It's not top quality painting, but as a project I'm proud of it.

1st infantry section. 8 men with rifles, 1 with lmg and 1 with pistol (the loader)

Senegalese tirailleurs. Fezes are cool. 

Second infantry section. Exactly the same as the first. 

Various HQ models.  Officer and assistant with smg, medic and forward observer with assistant. The forward observer will be dropped from the list if I ever get anything to replace him with. 

The officer however is one of my favourite models from the army. 

Infantry support squads, medium mortar and mmg.

Field artillery. I believe these are supposed to represent light howitzers, however I use them as medium anti tank guns without anyone ever objecting. This makes the army fully capable of taking on most late war forces. They will struggle against heavy tanks but so will most armies not packing a serious tank of their own

Talking about serious tanks... here's an R35 and a Shnieder P16 half track. Fun to paint, the scheme of dark green with shades of brown on top meant I got them both done in one session, but renowned more for enthusiasm in bake than actual effectiveness,  these are something else I'd like to replace in time. 

And here's a few shots of the army as a group 

I'm going to do more articles in time covering my 40k and fantasy armies. Right now I'm going back over my Chaos Space Marines to touch up and repair damage as well as sort out a few extra squads which have been added in time for a planned massive battle in December, so keep and eye out for that. 


Saturday 21 November 2015

Armies of the Tyrants, part 2

Hi there,
well the Padman got in first, too much time on his hands, lol. I'm the "old man" of the group,war gaming for over 30 years but a comparatively newcomer to warhammer thanks to my son's interest in LOTR  getting me into a GW shop. My prime army is orks, great fun to play, but don't expect to win too often, my other 40k army being Space Wolves, my thunderwolf list currently causing havoc in the group, although I expect this brief moment of glory to end as my fellow gamers adapt to the list. Ah well, back to the drawing board. That's what makes it fun, constantly changing and adapting, although maybe not the first few times your army gets chewed up. Now, I'm not the greatest painter, but I try, and thanks to the Padman, we all endeavour to play with fully painted armies which,if nothing else, will make our battle reports pleasing to the eye. Thanks for reading, and enjoy a few photos of some of my glorious troops.  The "Old Man".

Armies of the Tyrants part 1

Hello gamers.

Welcome to the first in series of posts showcasing the armies of the Tyrants.

The first of these is my Dark Angels army. Based around a Demi Company of the 3rd Company, with detachments of Deathwing and Ravenwing.

I started this army with the old codex, specifically for a doubles event at Warhammer world.  I had Beliel and Deathwing, and Mr. Wilson had Sameal and Ravenwing. We did not do well. Winning two games and loosing three!

Anyway I continued to build up my Deathwing, till the new book was released and normal marines became much more desirable.
So over the course of a month I added the demi company, which has made the force much more rounded,


Hope to have a battle report with the Unforgiven wrote up soon. But till then, take care and keep rollng 6's.



Hello gamers.

Welcome to our new bolg, chronicling our adventures in the realm of tabletop wargaming. We're just of bunch of blokes who spend some of our free time away from work and famlies, playing with toy soldiers, and rolling dice.

The main games we play are Warhammer 40,000,  Warhammer Fantasy, Bolt Action and the Hobbit. Though we mess around with over games now and then.
Hoping to have fairly regular content on here, so please keep dropping in for a read.

Take care, and keep rolling 6's.
