Saturday 21 November 2015

Armies of the Tyrants, part 2

Hi there,
well the Padman got in first, too much time on his hands, lol. I'm the "old man" of the group,war gaming for over 30 years but a comparatively newcomer to warhammer thanks to my son's interest in LOTR  getting me into a GW shop. My prime army is orks, great fun to play, but don't expect to win too often, my other 40k army being Space Wolves, my thunderwolf list currently causing havoc in the group, although I expect this brief moment of glory to end as my fellow gamers adapt to the list. Ah well, back to the drawing board. That's what makes it fun, constantly changing and adapting, although maybe not the first few times your army gets chewed up. Now, I'm not the greatest painter, but I try, and thanks to the Padman, we all endeavour to play with fully painted armies which,if nothing else, will make our battle reports pleasing to the eye. Thanks for reading, and enjoy a few photos of some of my glorious troops.  The "Old Man".

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