I got the sand out, and based what was ready to be based - the Temple Guard, the Carnosaur, and the Night Lords mentioned but not shown in the last update. I also finished my squad of Night Lords, painted (and then sat on) the Forgeworld Night Lords Praetor with Jump Pack, painted the Noctilith Crown, the Realmshaper Engine and made a good start on the 3rd Renegade Knight.
Temple Guard
Night Lords
Jump Pack Lord
Leviathan Dreadnought - just the base, I painted this a while ago.
Noctilith Crown
Realmshaper Engine
I've got 6 days coming up, I'm going to have to regroup and think of a priorities list - I've hot all my immediate targets now and with the situation I need to think about which of my stretch goals becomes a new immediate target and which ones I need to change.
Some amazing work done. Looking forward to seeing them on the table.