I've changed my approach to painting for the lockdown, as I was concerned that although I was knocking models out of the park left right and centre there was a danger I was going to get to the other side and still have loads of unfinished projects, so to that end I drew up a new priority list.
Chaos Knights - The Brotherhood of the Scorpion
I started a proper Chaos Knight army around my Renegade Knight I built a while ago, when the rules first came out for them, when the new Codex came out. These are now at 1450 points, or 2000 points when joined by the Greater Brass Scorpion, which is most underwhelming compared to the Knights. These are effectively finished, although I will be washing the metalwork on all the models except the Rampager with black ink when I get hold of some more - the rampager was washed when I painted it.
The bases are made using a roller from Green Stuff World, although I'm tight so I used air drying clay, same as the Splintered Fang I painted earlier in the year.
This is the Bloodsoaked Baron, which was my original Renegade Knight. Painted to match my old Chaos Marines in Liche Purple and Runefang Silver he is much brighter than the others, but hopefully a wash of the metal will hide it - if not I might go over the purple with Naggaroth Night. The model was mixed with bits of a plastic Bloodthirster I had built recently, spikes from the Chaos Vehicle Sprue, and some etched brass khorne symbols.
The Saint Slayer is a standard Knight Rampager built out of the box. I do think that the kit is a lot more dynamic than the Imperial kit, and it is a pity it doesn't come with the weapon sprue so more of them in the same style can be used. I also like the subtle mirroring in that the pose has the other leg forwards and the Thunderstrike Gauntlet is for the right hand rather than the left.
Kingbreaker is again built using the Imperial Knight kit and the Chaos Vehicle Sprue, with the addition of a leftover Maulerfiend Head, some skulls from the skull accessory box and some Space Marine Helmets. It does carry the Chaos-only loadout of twin Avenger Cannons, and it was due to have a missile pod on its back, but I can't find it anymore. If it doesn't turn up, I did consider adding few Havoc Launchers for the same effect but I don't have any of those either.
Finally there is a pair of Wardogs, one with each armanent. These came from my friend Will, who hoards half built models like other people hoard old newspapers. There was originally 3 but only 2 survived the salvage process. These have again had a mix with the chaos vehicle sprue for extra spikes.
Urban Conquest Terrain
This is more of a teaser shot - on my next break in the shift pattern at work I will do a bit more on these as I am still working on some terrain, but I have finally found the time to paint the terrain that came with Urban Conquest, which as we never did the campaign means I have at least got something out of the box. These were mainly painted Steel Legion Drab and coated in Agrax Earthshade with a few bits of colour. I used green sawdust as flock on them, as it adds a bit of green to match my mat whist adding grass which models can stand on.
New Priorities
Apart from the Knights above, I have picked out 3 projects I want to finish in the short term, to draw a line under them and give e something solid to show progress.
Necrons: I'm getting the Necrons up to 2500 points. I'm close, with the Monolith painted recently, so I need to build and paint another Lord (using the Nemessor Zandrekh model), 3 Tomb Blades and possible a Tomb Spider, both of which are still hanging around from the 2018 Necron Megaforce.
Seraphon: I'm finishing the 2000 point Seraphon army. I have converted a Skink Starpriest, which needs sticking to a base and painting, and I need to finish the 3 Endless Spells I am using.
40k Industrial Terrain Together with the terrain above I am busy putting bases on the Zone Mortallis terrain I built at Christmas and adding some extra details. I also have the Sector Mechanicus terrain from the Renegade set to go with it, which is built but not painted.
When the above list is done I'll be happy to go back to painting odd units, or may have picked something else to focus on. I've got Romans still to build, Chaos units that could be repainted to Night Lords, Imperial Guard that need repairs, and I even found 3 Eldar Jetbikers Aeldari Windriders in the loft. The Space Elves call me again...
Very nice. Shame those Knights are going to die, when they face my glorious Ultramarines.