Thursday 20 February 2020

Triarii complete. Lychguard Complete

I missed both times for updating since my last update, as it is more than a week and I have painted 2 units. I am however ahead of schedule, so that is good. It does help that I've had the week off work while my wife is off for half term, although we haven't been in the house much.

I've also had the brainwave I can write here what colours I use to paint things, and then when I come back to a project I won't be confused.

Anyway, Triarii

I've bought some ingredients for making some Stirland Mud style basing for them, which I think is going to be the easiest way to sort that out. I'll do a description of that when I've done it.

My romand are painted like this:
Black Undercoat
Leadbelcher and Nuln Oil on the chainmail and weapons
Khorne Red, Agrax Earthshade, Wazdakka Red on the red parts
Bugman's Glow, Agrax Earthshade, Cadian Fleshtone on the skin
Retributor Armour, Agrax Earthshade on the brass.

I also got 5 Necron Lychguard done this week.

These are in the same edge-highlighted grey and bright orange as the rest of my Methrit army, which I quite like and goes well on these models, but the edge-highlightingis a pain on things like wraiths.

These are painted thusly:

Bodies: Mechanicus Standard Grey, Nuln Oil (Heavy), Dawnstone, Administratum Grey
Glowy bits: Khorne Red, Evil Sunz Scarlet, Troll Slayer Orange, Fire Dragon Bright
Bases: Baneblade Brown (Or Vallejo US Army Drab), Screaming Skull.

Next up is another unit of Roman infantry, which are sprayed and in the garage now so will probably get on with them tonight. I'm in 2 minds what to do after them though. The list I drew up had the carnosaur on it, but I'm tempted to forge on with the Romans and get the cavalry done so I have 1000 points painted.

I'll let you know how I get on.


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