They aren't as neat as they could have been, and the paint scheme is basically a less complicated version of the one on the box, but I am pleased with them. I'm rather keen on the way the flesh turned out (Bugman's Glow - Agrax Earthshade - Cadian Fleshtone - Kislev Flesh) and I think I will use this as my standard flesh from now on as I've got lazy since I haven't painted many humans in the last few years. I'm also pleased with the bases, made using the Flagstone roller from Green Stuff World, although I used cheap air drying clay from Hobbycraft.
I also managed to get a couple of games in with these at the club on Thursday, bagging a pair of victories against Pad using the Iron Golems and Untamed Beasts in one game each, although the first scenario favoured me and I did roll a lot of sixes.
The next item on the to-do list was Triarii, and thanks to Storm Clara I have managed to get a good start on these which means I should be on track for finishing the 19 of these this week. Which is good, because Dave is miles ahead with his Carthaginians
Painting this week: Splintered Fang Complete. 😀
Gaming this week: Middlesbrough Gaming Club on Thursday - WH40k 1000 Point Narrative game against Paddy, my Khorne Deamons v. his Ultramarines (win), 2 games of Warcry against Paddy (Wins). Graham and Dave played KoW Historical.
More Updates soon !
Looking good. I'll get my vengeance on the sneaky little poisoners next time!