Historical Romans
We are getting into historical wargaming at the shallow end with the KoW Historical Ruleset, which is a bit shallow in depth but is at least fast and easy to keep track of. I'm working through Punic War Romans, Dave is rocketing through Cartheginians and Graham is deciding between Dacians and Persians. So far I have built over 1000 points of Victrix models and painted a Horde of 40 Principes and a Troop of 8 Leves as Skirmishers.
Immediate Goal
I need to get 1000 points painted. This means painting 2 Characters, 20 Principes, 20 Triarii and 10 Cavalry. This is my headline project now but between units I will be working on other things.
Stretch Goal
The army will go to 2000 points. This will mean painting another 20 Principes and Triarii to take those units to Hordes, and also 2 Hordes of Hastati. I haven't worked out a full list yet, but I'll probably try and do some missile units or Cavalry.
Warhammer 40,000
Last year, without a single blog entry, I painted 2000 points of Necrons after buying many more in the form of several halves of Forgebane, a Get Started Set and 2018's Christmas Megaforce. Ian from Middlesbrough Gaming Club also gave me a Monolith. The 2019 points update pushed me slightly below 2000 points so I have 5 Lychguard built but not painted and 25 points spare.
I also have a half painted Chaos Knight army built around a Renegade Knight I built when they first became a thing. Still to paint is a Knight with 2 Avenger Bolt Cannons and a pair of War Dogs.
Immediate Goal
I need to paint the Lychguard I have built so I have a fully panted 2000 point army of Necrons.
Stretch Goal
I own enough models to take the Necrons to 3000 points. This will involve painting the Monolith and building and painting the units still in the box on the sprue such as Tomb Blades and another 5 Lychguard. As I like the 3000 point level for longer games this would be nice to have, and will also give me options at 2000 points.
The Chaos Knights will be painted - from experience this would take about a week for the big night and another week for the War Dogs. They also need basing, for which I am trying out a roller from Green Stuff World which is drying as I speak, although I have used cheap air drying clay rather than Green Stuff, so it is a bit of an experiment.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar
I've yet to be won over by AoS, however we are playing it at the club so I have built a functioning Khorne army around my 40k Deamon army and added some Chaos Warriors, Chaos Knights and a Warshrine which I had had an urge to paint for a while. I've also picked up the Cities of Sigmar and Slaves to Darkness books, but haven't committed to either. Early in 2019 I transferred my 8th ed WFB Lizardmen to round bases, and had already decided to use them in a game against Graham's Skydwarves when the new Seraphon book was announced. Since then I picked up the Get Started set with the Carnosaur in on the assumption it will be replaced with another set.
Immediate Goal
Build and paint the Carnosaur from the Get Started set so it can munch any nearby Ironclad Skyvessels.
Stretch Goal
Once the new Seraphon book comes out, transform the army into an effective force. Additionally, use the newly painted Mortal Khorne units to make a Slaves to Darkness Army, both to a minimum of 2000 points.
Other GW Games
I liked Necromunda a lot, but it never really took off with my group. Regardless, I have a Delaque gang which I bought when they came out and built at Christmas. I also have the two gangs from the Dark Uprising box and the Escher and Goliath from the original starter set.
Warcry has taken off, probably because Pad is very keen and has bought the set, all the warbands and some terrain. He also plays it at home with his 9-year-old daughter. I bought a Splintered Fang Warband for my own in the hope that this will last past Easter.
Immediate Goal
I've already started the Splintered Fang, and intend to get them knocked out pretty quickly. I also need to buy a Warcry rulebook so I can keep an eye on the shenanigans the others are pulling.
Stretch Goal
I'm going to paint the Delaques, more for the principle of the thing than because I expect them to get used. The Corpse Grinder Cult models I want to use as Chaos Cultists for my Night Lords, but they are down the list.
I've also got a fair bit of unpainted terrain, but I rarely play at home and the terrain at our gaming venues isn't atrocious so I find it hard to prioritize this. I did binge over Christmas and built and painted dthe Dark Uprising terrain and a load of other stuff I got at a local show, so I have a full set of industrial terrain which looks good. I'm not setting any goals on this because it will need a special focus.
Overall, the idea is to paint one unit of Romans followed by one GW unit.
This is what I see as the next few items:
- Splintered Fang
- 20 Triarii
- 5 Lychguard
- 20 Principes
- Carnosaur
- 10 Roman Cavalry + General
- Chaos Knight?
And the hope is that keeping a log of this will keep me on focus as I will need to keep updates.
(This is presented with no context)
Man you are a machine. Looking forward to fighting all of these chaps. And allying with the knight against some Imperial lackeys!