Saturday, 23 April 2016

Black Legion Supplement - Run Down and My Views!

So we are now one week on from the Space Marine 30th Anniversary, but while every one was focused on the fancy new model, and the new Crimson Slaughter Supplement, the Black Legion one slid under the radar ... but not my radar!

So today I am going to embark on giving you a run down of the rules and whether I feel these formations are any good to improve the poor old Chaos Codex. To explain, I will am going to explain the rules for each formation and i'll give you my opinion on whether it is worth taking in your army or not ... So lets get started!

The Bringers of Despair
Abaddon the Despoiler
1 Unit of Chaos Terminators

Without Equal: Chaos Terminators that are part of this formation (including the Terminator Champion) have a Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill of 5 rather than 4.

The Despoiler's Guard: While Abaddon the Despoiler is joined to the unit of Chaos Terminators from this formation, you can re-roll one Look Out, Sir roll for him in each phase.

Right lets look at this closely, because when I first looked at this I was disappointed, after all this is the only formation with the mighty Abaddon the Despoiler in it. But Terminators that are hitting Space Marines on 3+ in combat as well as when shooting, cannot be played down!

The re-roll for the look out sir is handy, but then again Abaddon is Eternal Warrior.

Overall, I would have to say this is a good formation, and if you are going to take Abaddon then I see no down side to taking this.

Judgement: Glancing Hit!

The Chosen of Abaddon
1-4 Chaos Lords or Sorcerers (In any combination)
1 unit of Chosen or Chaos Terminators for each Lord or Socerer

Exalted Champions: During deployment, each Chaos Lord and Sorcerer from this Formation must join one of the units of Chosen or Chaos Terminators. Only one character can join each unit in this way, and they cannot leave these units during the course of the battle. As long as the character is on the battlefield, his unit has the fearless special rule.

Blessed by the Chaos Gods: Before deployment, roll on the Chaos Boon table for each Chaos Lord and Sorcerer in this formation, re-rolling any results of Spawnhood or Dark Apotheosis. The result lasts for the entire game.

This could potentially be a very expensive formation! In my experience, people do not often take more than 1 or 2 chosen units. With the additional rules that this formation gives you, to me does not give anyone a reason to take more than one unit and if that is the case, take Abaddon and the The Bringers of Despair Formation.

Judgement: Miss!

The Hounds of Abaddon
1 Chaos Lord
1-3 units of Khorne Berserkers
1-3 units Chaos Space Marines
1-3 units of Raptor, Warp Talons or Chaos Bikers (in any combination)
(All units in this formation must take the Mark of Khorne but at no additional cost)

Let Slip the Hounds: Once per game, at the start of any of your turns after the first, you can declare a massed assault. For the duration of that turn, units from this Formation can charge in the assault phase even is they have made a run move in the same turn.

Khorne's Favour: If a unit from this Formation makes a successful charge and the total rolled for its charge range in 8 or more (before modifiers) add 1 to the Strength of its models until the end of the assault phase.

The only chance I have had to test this formation was sadly against an army of dreadnoughts. (I lost obviously!)

That being said I like this formation. I chose to use Warp Talons (Even if G kept forgetting they are not Raptors!) 5 attacks on the charge re-rolling failed wounds at potentially Strength 5 is pretty tasty.

I think the potential to run and charge on one turn is useful, but you just have to be careful not to waste it, its only once a game! But for me that change of the +1 strength is more than useful, especially when you are not paying for your mark.

Judgement: Penetrating Hit!

Daemon Engine Pack
1 Warpsmith
1-2 Forgefiend(s) or Maulerfiend(s) (In any combination)

Hunting Pack: After deployment, but before the first turn, nominate one enemy character. All Forgefiends and Maulerfiends from this formation have preferred enemy against that character. If the nominated character is slain by a vehicle from this formation, that model regains a hull point lost earlier in the battle.

Prized Possessions: At the start of each shooting and assault phase, you can nominate a Forgefiend or Maulerfiend from this formation that is within 12" of the Warpsmith. That model uses the Warpsmith's Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill for that Phase.

This one for me gives me mixed opinions, mainly because I see no benefit to taking Maulerfiends. My reason for this, is that if you have chosen one character which is often going to be in a unit. Therefore surely a lot of fire power from two forgefiends with Hades Autocannons would be better, especially if you have to be within 12" of the Warpsmith to get the bonus!

Judgement: Glancing Hit!

Cyclopia Cabal
3-5 Sorcerers

Shroud of Deceit: Select one model from this formation, this model can attempt to to cast Shroud of Deceit. For each sorcerer within 12" of the model, add one dice to the Psychic Test - These dice do not cost any warp charge points.
Warp Charge 3
Target a single - non vehicle enemy unit - within 30". The target unit cannot be locked in combat. You can immediately make a shooting attack with that unit as though it were part of your army.

I am not sold on this one yet. I think Warp Charge 3 is very hard to achieve, especially without the risk of perils. Plus I think it might be hard to find space for 3 sorcerers in any army. On the plus side though, it would be funny to take a storm surge and use it against them!

Judgement: Glancing Hit!

The Tormented
1 Daemon Prince
2-5 units of Possessed

Advanced Possession
Units of Possessed in this formations have Initiative and Weapon Skill 5, and Rending Special Rule. However if a unit of possessed are not locked in combat at the end of the turn, not within 18" of the Daemon Prince they must take a leadership check. If they fail the leadership check they must move D6 the following turn rather than their standard move.

All kinds of yes! Weapon Skill 5 and Rending on Possessed is such a strong change for them. That is ignoring the standard roll that you also get because of Vessels of Chaos.

In addition to the upsides, the downside to this formation is not really much of a problem considering they are Leadership 9 as standard!

If you want anything good in combat, why wouldn't these be in your army!

Judgement: Penetrating Hit!

Black Legion Warband
1 Chaos Lord
0-1 Sorcerer
2-6 units of Chaos Space Marines or Chosen (in any combination)
1-3 units of Chaos Terminators or Possessed
1-3 units of Raptors, Warp Talons or Bikers
1-3 units of Havocs or Hellbrutes

Favoured of the Warmaster
When a model in the Formations gets to roll on the Chaos Boon table, you roll twice and you get to choose which one you want or both.

Thirst for Glory
If a unit from the Formation destroys an enemy unit, all other units in the formation re-roll all 1's on rolls to hit and to wound.

This is a debatable one. In large games, you would have to take it, but in smaller games it could be difficult to get enough to fill the formation.

On the other side, as a stand alone formation, this is a great formation. For example if you can quickly kill a rhino/transport with the Havoc or Hellbrutes you are getting to re-roll all 1's from that point on!

I think if your game is big enough you have to take this formation!

Judgement: Penetrating Hit!

I would have to say this supplement is well overdue. Some of these formations together in an army could make Chaos relatively competitive. I am looking forward to the whole chaos codex when it is redone!

Judgement: Penetrating Hit!

Remember peeps, this is my opinion and you do not need to take it as gospel, but that's up to you!

Thursday, 21 April 2016

700 Points Game of Hobbit SBG - Hold Ground!

Gandalf weary from his ride, but determined none the less burst through the door of Gimlis holdfast stirring Gimli, Captain Gloin and few other dwarves from their slumber.  ''The Golden King marches for Darrowdel!'' and with that Gimli was straight to his feet, Captain Gloin was issuing orders and a runner had been sent for Floi Stonehand.  The dwarves would march to battle once more!

Tonight we played a 700 point game of Hobbit SBG and the mission was Hold Ground, this would be mine and Matty's first game since 'I am Alpharius', with which a overview post will be soon to follow!  Matty brought his dwarves with an allied Gandalf along and I would use my Fallen Realms mix of evil men with lists soon to follow!  We rolled for mission and got Hold Ground!  we set up terrain; a ruined town and decided to use a statue as the objective.

Now no game is complete without a narrative so we decided that the town would be the ruined town of Darrowdel and that it was rumoured that a lost stash of magical elvish blades had been hidden under the statue of a long lost king.  Now such a great prize couldn't be ignored  by either force, so the race was on!

The objective of Hold Ground! is for each force to end the game with more models within 6 inches of the objective, points are also awarded for breaking your opponents force and killing its leader.  Now on to the participating forces:

The forces of Good

Gandalf the Grey

9 Khazard Guard
1 Dwarf Warrior with banner

Captain Gloin (Dwarf Captain with shield)
6 Dwarf Warriors with shields
2 Dwarf Warriors with two handed weapons
1 Dwarf Warrior with banner

Floi Stonehand
5 Dwarf Warriors with bows
1 Dwarf Hornblower

The Forces of Evil

The Golden King
6 Half Trolls
6 Mahud with spear and shield

Rhadyr (Taskmaster)
6 Half trolls
6 Mahud with spear and shield

Manse (Corsair Captain with crossbow)
8 Corsair Arbelestors

The Game!

Gandalf and the Golden King had split up their forces in order to cover more ground and to find the fabled statue, resulting in several minor skirmishes and warbands loosing each other within the ruins of Darrowdel.  Regardless of the maelstrom of battle several warbands had the prize within their sights...a bloody fight was soon to ensure.

The Golden King's and Radyr's warbands arrived from the north west, quickly reorganising themselves for their advance on the hidden stash.  Floi's warband and Gandalf arrived from the north spying the Mahud to their right and advanced with caution.  Captain Gloin marched his warband in from the east with a clear run at the prize ahead of them.

Manse had received  bungled orders arriving isolated and to the south, Gimli had spied them long off and had his warband set an ambush for them.

Caught completely unaware and unprepared Manse and his men were rushed by the dwarves and in the ensuring fight one corsair was dragged low, fortunately their years of plying their trade as mercenaries has made them merciless fighters able to hold their ground against the noble dwarven fighters.  Elsewhere everyone was rushing desperately to get their hands on the statue, the dwarves even loosed a few arrows but were to hasty for any to make their marks.

Sensing that this fight wasn't going to go his way manse calls a heroic move and flees calling with me, bringing his warriors with him.  One of which was too slow, even the short legged dwarves were able catch him and slay him.  Gimli ordered half his warband to go for the statue, sensing that the corsairs would put up little resistance and that the prize was of greater concern.

Still both the forces of good and evil made with great haste for their much sought after prize, the dwarves were still taking pot shots at the mahud, however this time they found their marking placing an arrow through the neck and eye of a half troll, with a gurgling moan the half dropped to the ground all life gone from it.  The beasts fellows advanced on determined to avenge their fallen comrade.

Baying for revenge several Mahud split off from the main body with a burning desire to tear apart the dwarven archers who had slain yet another of their number.

Both sides had their weapons drawn and were advancing ready for a fight.  Gandalf expends some of his will power in order to conjure up a sorcerous blast, which proceeds to knock several evil warriors to their feet only for them to get back up.

The dwarves form a shield wall in expectation for the half troll charge, goaded on by their fellow mahud, the half trolls rush headlong at the dwarves preparing to put their full weight in to crushing body slams and charges.

The corsairs continue to fight a desperate retreat, they're outclassed by the heavily armoured dwarven opponents and another of their number is brought low.

The half trolls crash head long into the dwarven line, but they hold firm remembering the years of training.  The dwarves are inspired further by the inspiring presence of Ganadalf's counter attack, which he commenced with another a much more effective sorcerous blast which slayed 2 mahud warriors.

The mahud catch up the dwarven archers, keen for revenge!  The dwarves are going to have a desperate fight on their hands!

Gandalf calls a heroic combat alongside 3 dwarven warriors, they intend to trap the half troll and slay it between them before joining the fray elsewhere.  However the half troll proves to be a fearsome opponent fending them off but suffers a wound despite its effort.

Two of the archers were torn apart mercilessly by the mahud, the half trolls had tasted blood and were keen to taste further dwarf flesh.

The battle was now in full flow with two clearly opposing shield walls, the mahud appeared to be in control of the prize with the dwarves fighting valiantly to take it from them.  Gandalf continued to make himself feared and rightfully so as he killed an additional two mahud with a third sorcerous blast.

Both sides had taken heavy casualties and were drawing closer and closer to being broken.  In a stroke of genius and bravery on his part Captain Gloin called a heroic move and grabbed the prize from evil control.  Gandalf continues his rampage kill a fifth mahud with his magic.

The mahud that had split off earlier arrive to help claim the prize, the task master calls a heroic move in order to try consolidate the evil forces position and to keep a hold on the objective.  Gandalf keeping up magical prowess kills a half troll this time with his sorcerous blast.

The Golden King shouted desperately for his warriors to attend him but found himself cut off from the bulk of his followers.  Gimli and Gandalf see this and instantly take advantage of it calling heroic combats, they each slew a half troll before charging the Golden King dragging him down in to the dirt making short work of him and his attendants.

Radyr seizes command seeing his opportunity for glory and pushes the mahud onwards with his whip, the halfs trolls depraved and loyal to their dead master double their efforts anguish and rampage amongst the dwarves splitting skills and crunching bones underfoot.  Witnessing the devastation being wrought by the mahud and realising that too many of his comrades had fallen Gandalf sounds the retreat knowing it would be futile and a waste of good warriors to continue the fight.

With that both forces were broken we rolled for the game to end and it did at the first opportunity.  The forces of evil had emerged victorious with 10 models by the objective and an additional point for breaking the forces of good.  The forces of good had just 2 models left alive by the objective, they scored a third point for breaking the forces of evil and another 3 points for slaying the Golden King, the evil forces leader.

End Result

Forces of Evil - Forces of Good

11 - 6

 Luke's Thoughts

That was an awesome game with plenty of bloody fights!  Matty really got the drop on me at the start and i thought the corsairs were done for, I can't believe 4 of them survived in the end.  The half trolls really showed their worth this game pummelling the dwarven line and by succeeding in securing the statue for me.  It was a great move on Matty's part jumping the golden king and killing him outright.  Overall i really enjoyed the game and look forward to the next battle,

Matty's Thoughts

Oh man I thought I had that one, Luke's half trolls literally clawed it back for him!  They're really tough critters and my dwarves just couldn't kill enough of them.  I was really impressed with Gandalf , his spells were essential to reducing the evil forces in number and for disrupting their lines.  Luke's victory will be short lived for my name is Matthew Decimus Wilson, commander of the dwarven holds, general of Durins folk, loyal servant  to the free peoples.  Father to murdered son, husband to a murdered wife and I will have my vengeance in this life or the next!!....Alright I don't have a wife or a son, but you killed my favourite Khazard guard so ill get you next time!

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

I am Alpharous! The Aftermath

Last weekend we took part in the I am Alpharius event at Warhammer World, and a good time was had by many.

Me and Ash did not have a massive success, winning only one game and being tabled twice, but Luke and Matty had a good run, ending up with the prize for having the most points after everyones victory points had been multiplied by their favourite games votes. Congratulations to them, I'll let them write about makes them both effective and likable later.

Me and Ash went up against Ravenwing / Skittari  and learnt how harsh Tesla weapons can be, although my berzerker champion made it across the board and slaughtered a Skittari squad. Ash's deamon prince wiped out a unit of Ravenwing bikers and was squaring up to Sammeal when he was gunned down. Sammy had vent on the cultists champion, which led to him running down the other 14 cultists.

Our second game was against an implausible alliance of Blood Angels and Dark Eldar. This was the deamon's best game, romping up one flank before turning around to help with a massive unit of Death Company. My Possessed had a brief moment of glory charging a unit arriving by drop pod, but this pulled them into a bad position for a charge from the death company. My Berzerkers charged in and obligingly took a few turns to die to allow us to handle the rest of the army. I summoned a deamon prince of my own with blood tithe points. Once all the Berzerkers were dead our Shooting could handle the remaining death company before Free Prince and a Helbrute charged in to finish off the Chaplain. Ash voted this his favourite game.

We faced Luke and Matty for our 3rd game, and were promptly obliterated by bolter fire. The deamon prince did not do well, the Berzerkers were shot up, the Possessed were killed by a Death Company  (again) and my chaos marine champion fought 4 combat squads of Tactical Marines in the centre of the board, as the only remaining model on our side, for at least 4 rounds of combat, killing a couple of sergeants and chasing off a couple of squads. This dragged the game out until turn 7 letting them grab many objectiveswith the rest of the army, no doubt helping them with the prize at the end. Not deliberate Tyrants tactics, although I did give them my favourite game vote.

After this we headed back to the city centre by tram, and returned by tram the next day. The trams are great and could be my new favourite form of transport, even if the driver wouldn't give us tramming speed when we asked, nor divert all power to the tram reactors.

Game 4 was our second tabling, as we went up against 5 riptide battle suits. This was the obligatory poor game, with only the one Helbrute making it across the board and not kill a riptide in combat. The deamon prince was killed in turn 2 without getting a charge,  the Possessed were poorly deployed (my fault) but are gunned down without achieving anything and even the defiler blazed away pointlessly. The opponents argued amongst themselves over who got to finish us of,  my ally went to the bar and the opponent apologised for their force. If you have to apologise for something like that, don't do it.

Game 5 put us against deathwing and mantis legion with a forgeworld knight. We had some unlucky rolls in this game, failing 3 out of 4 charges onto the knight when we could have ripped it to shreds been 2 Helbrutes, the defiler and Obliterators. As it was we got it down to 2 hull points slowly. This was the only game the deamon prince lived to the end of, after Ash made the sensible decision not to use the black mace anymore and just resort to his ccw. This was one of a few games this event which took a lot longer than I am used to, ending on about turn 4 after the full 2 hours 30 minutes. Maybe I'm just a hasty player.

Still to come: the event as a whole and the exhibition centre.
I'm sure others will have their own thoughts to post.