Wednesday 20 April 2016

I am Alpharous! The Aftermath

Last weekend we took part in the I am Alpharius event at Warhammer World, and a good time was had by many.

Me and Ash did not have a massive success, winning only one game and being tabled twice, but Luke and Matty had a good run, ending up with the prize for having the most points after everyones victory points had been multiplied by their favourite games votes. Congratulations to them, I'll let them write about makes them both effective and likable later.

Me and Ash went up against Ravenwing / Skittari  and learnt how harsh Tesla weapons can be, although my berzerker champion made it across the board and slaughtered a Skittari squad. Ash's deamon prince wiped out a unit of Ravenwing bikers and was squaring up to Sammeal when he was gunned down. Sammy had vent on the cultists champion, which led to him running down the other 14 cultists.

Our second game was against an implausible alliance of Blood Angels and Dark Eldar. This was the deamon's best game, romping up one flank before turning around to help with a massive unit of Death Company. My Possessed had a brief moment of glory charging a unit arriving by drop pod, but this pulled them into a bad position for a charge from the death company. My Berzerkers charged in and obligingly took a few turns to die to allow us to handle the rest of the army. I summoned a deamon prince of my own with blood tithe points. Once all the Berzerkers were dead our Shooting could handle the remaining death company before Free Prince and a Helbrute charged in to finish off the Chaplain. Ash voted this his favourite game.

We faced Luke and Matty for our 3rd game, and were promptly obliterated by bolter fire. The deamon prince did not do well, the Berzerkers were shot up, the Possessed were killed by a Death Company  (again) and my chaos marine champion fought 4 combat squads of Tactical Marines in the centre of the board, as the only remaining model on our side, for at least 4 rounds of combat, killing a couple of sergeants and chasing off a couple of squads. This dragged the game out until turn 7 letting them grab many objectiveswith the rest of the army, no doubt helping them with the prize at the end. Not deliberate Tyrants tactics, although I did give them my favourite game vote.

After this we headed back to the city centre by tram, and returned by tram the next day. The trams are great and could be my new favourite form of transport, even if the driver wouldn't give us tramming speed when we asked, nor divert all power to the tram reactors.

Game 4 was our second tabling, as we went up against 5 riptide battle suits. This was the obligatory poor game, with only the one Helbrute making it across the board and not kill a riptide in combat. The deamon prince was killed in turn 2 without getting a charge,  the Possessed were poorly deployed (my fault) but are gunned down without achieving anything and even the defiler blazed away pointlessly. The opponents argued amongst themselves over who got to finish us of,  my ally went to the bar and the opponent apologised for their force. If you have to apologise for something like that, don't do it.

Game 5 put us against deathwing and mantis legion with a forgeworld knight. We had some unlucky rolls in this game, failing 3 out of 4 charges onto the knight when we could have ripped it to shreds been 2 Helbrutes, the defiler and Obliterators. As it was we got it down to 2 hull points slowly. This was the only game the deamon prince lived to the end of, after Ash made the sensible decision not to use the black mace anymore and just resort to his ccw. This was one of a few games this event which took a lot longer than I am used to, ending on about turn 4 after the full 2 hours 30 minutes. Maybe I'm just a hasty player.

Still to come: the event as a whole and the exhibition centre.
I'm sure others will have their own thoughts to post.


  1. A cracking weekend. We we're lucky and faced some great opponents, with some lovely armies.
    Steve and me, probably took the cheesiest army out of our group, with two Stormsurges in our Tau army.
    We still ended up loosing two games, and only winning two.
    Still a great weekend, and I'd recommend any of the Warhammer World events. They are such a fun weekend. So try one out.

  2. This does not count as your review pad.
