Monday 6 February 2017

Project Blog: Black Powder French

Project Blog: Black Powder French

We've decided it's time to do something new, and we've given in to something we've always wanted to try which is Napoleonics. It's still early days, but I'm planning to give regular updates as we progress.

The first move has been by Luke, who bought the Black Powder starter set which has netted Luke 72 British Infantry and a cannon, and me 48 French Infantry and 12 Cavalry, as well as mounted and foot officers for us both, as well as a copy of the rulebook for Luke. Also joining us is Dave, with Prussians, and Pad joining me with the French.

First impressions of the French is that the models are very different to the modern citadel models that I'm used to, but do remind me of the older Empire Spearmen / Handgunner sprues, and are perfectly appropriate for building up blocks of uniformed troops as you would want for this sort of army. The Late French Line Infantry that come with the box set are perfectly usable models, but I've decided to pass them on to pad in order to use purely Warlord's other style of line infantry minus the greatcoats, as I think these are better looking. 72 models for £40 strikes me as very good value. I have painted up 2 before I made this decision, so they will be mixed in to the units somewhere.

I've also built the Chassuers a Chevel, and used one of the mounted officers in the unit, which may or may not be appropriate. I haven't had a good read of the rulebook yet, and also I've ordered a book about Napoleonic uniforms which should arrive in the next few days.

I'm planning to use the other mounted officer as my C in C, and will base him on a 40mm round base from a Bolt Action model with a small dog I picked up at a local hobby show and have been looking for a use for. I haven't added a head until I've looked through the uniform book but there are a few options.

So, apart from clearing my hobby area to accommodate the impending large units on smartly dressed Frenchmen, that's all I've got done so far. I'm planning to get as much stuck together as I can in time for me and Luke to have a go at the rules at Middlesbrough Gaming Club next week, and I'll give reviews of how this goes as we go on.

Au Revoir!